Risk back big pot! Guo Allen’s 24 shots are only 6, 3 points, 9, 1 gets 16+9+6
Live broadcast bar, October 14th news Liaoning nearly beat Beijing, Guo Allen feels bad at this time. In the whole game, he made only 6 out of 24 shots, 1…
Live broadcast bar, October 14th news Liaoning nearly beat Beijing, Guo Allen feels bad at this time. In the whole game, he made only 6 out of 24 shots, 1…
Live broadcast bar, October 10th, NBA preseason, Timberwolves beat the Clippers 119-117. During the match, the broadcaster gave a set of data related to the forest Wolf: Since the 2005-06…
10月1日下午,中国女篮以61比83输给了卫冕冠军美国队,获得世界杯亚军,追平历史最佳战绩。中国女篮在时隔28年后重返世界杯决赛,这支球队正在重塑辉煌。据悉,在本次世界杯之后,中国女篮多位主力球员包括韩旭、李月汝、李梦、杨力维、王思雨等,都有望继续或是新加入WNBA联赛。如果有更多的中国女篮球员登陆世界最高水平联赛,那么将有助于中国女篮进一步提升实力与战斗力,在两年后的巴黎奥运会上继续创造佳绩。 韩旭和李月汝在上赛季分别效力于WNBA球队纽约自由人队和芝加哥天空队,两名球员获得了不同程度的进步。相比较而言,韩旭在上赛季自由人队的场均时间较多,表现也更为稳定。而通过一个赛季的磨炼,韩旭变得更加成熟与稳定,这在本届女篮世界杯上有着非常明显的体现。 韩旭在本次世界杯前接受采访时表示:“我觉得这个赛季的WNBA打球经历,在很多方面都有较大幅度提升,在球场上更加适应激烈的对抗以及如何更好地保持场上的竞争力。同时,在心理上我觉得自己更加平稳,虽然也会有起伏,但我觉得与之前相比,自己的调整能力会更强。” 本次世界杯,韩旭是中国女篮发挥最为稳定的球员之一。尤其是在与强队交锋时,韩旭的表现很抢眼。半决赛打完澳大利亚女篮后,澳大利亚女篮主教练,同时也是上赛季自由人队主教练桑迪点评了韩旭,她说:“韩旭的作用太突出了,她在场上很难防守。无论是下顺还是出来远投,都很有威胁性与杀伤力。我的弟子这场比赛中对我下手有点狠了。”据了解,自由人队有意续约韩旭。如果韩旭能继续在WNBA锻炼与提升的话,对于中国女篮来说将是一件很好的事情。 李月汝上赛季在天空队的机会并不是很多,主要是与她到队时间较晚,并且第一次打WNBA有关系。可即便如此,李月汝表示在经过WNBA的磨练后,她觉得自己可以在中国女篮中承担更重的责任。而这次世界杯李月汝也兑现了诺言,成为中国女篮重要的内线球员,在决赛中她拿下了全队最高的19分和12个篮板,表现非常突出。而李月汝与天空队当初签订的是一份2+1合同,这意味着她还有很多机会在WNBA赛场锻炼展现自己。 事实上,在这次世界杯之后,还可能会有更多的中国女篮球员冲击WNBA。据悉,李梦、王思雨、杨力维等人都有这方面的想法,部分经纪团队也在帮她们联系,尽力促成这方面的事情。本次世界杯上,由于发烧无缘半决赛和决赛的李梦,仍然是队内的得分王,她在小组赛与美国女篮一战中,轰下了21分的高分,证明了她具备与WNBA球员抗衡的能力。 实际上,三年前就有WNBA球队给李梦发来了邀约,但由于当时一些客观原因,李梦未能前往。但本次世界杯后,李梦很可能向WNBA继续发起冲击。同时,中国女篮队长杨力维、本次世界杯多次展现大心脏的王思雨,也都有留洋的想法,像杨力维的经纪团队已经开始与WNBA球队进行接触。 如果中国女篮有更多的球员在WNBA锻炼的话,这支球队的竞争力无疑会进一步提升,未来对美国女篮也将会形成更强力的冲击。
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On October 2, Liaoning men’s basketball will embark on the journey of the new season. As the defending champion, what is the prospect of Liaoning men’s basketball in the new…
Live broadcast, October 8th news today commentator and former NBA player Richard Jefferson talked about the conflict between dream chasing and Poole in the live program. Jefferson said: “This kind…
Live Bar, October 10th news in the just-concluded NBA preseason game, Thunder beat Ma kabilana with 144-97. In this game, the Thunder team played a total of 10 people, 8…
Live broadcast, October 13th News preseason Lakers 113-118 lost to Timberwolves. Lakers coach Ham was interviewed after the game. Speaking of the Lakers’ three-point performance in this game, Ham said:…
Live broadcast bar, October 13th today’s CBA regular season, Fujian 96-107 lost to Jiangsu. After the game, Fujian men’s basketball coach Zhu Shilong and player Chen Linjian attended the press…
Live broadcast bar, October 8th news preseason, rocket half 65-56 leading Raptors 9 points. Jay Green played for 14 minutes, shooting 5 in 10, 3 in 5 in 3, 4…