Respect the old and love the youngClay asked Cainiao Rawlings to give up his seat. The latter had to sit on the ground.
Live broadcast, October 12th news Warriors today at home against blazers. During the competition, Clay took his cushion and walked to the front of Cainiao Rollins, motioning “give me a…
Ma Jian: China’s current competitive level has led the world in women’s basketball, which may create the best record in history.
Live Bar, September 30 -china defeated France 85-71 in the 1/4 final of the women’s basketball World Cup. Ma Jian, a men’s basketball-year-old domestic basketball commentator, commented on his personal…
Silky crotch + back fengshui ball! Women’s basketball player Guo Ziying shows Training Video: after-class entertainment
Live broadcast bar, October 8th China’s women’s basketball player Guo Zizhen updated social media and posted a training video. In the video, Guo Zizhen completed cross-leg dribble smoothly, dribbling the…
Death winding! Zhang Ning went online to steal the counterattack, and hit the game. 6 steals
Live broadcast, October 14 -cba regular season, the competition between Qingdao, Shanxi is going on. Shanxi player Zhang Ning played a very active defense throughout the game. Every ball must…
Talent show expert: rumor that Wen banyama is about to get a signed shoe contract
Live broadcast bar, October 10th according to the report of the talent show expert Givony Jonathan, it is rumored that Wen banyama is about to get a signed shoe contract,…
Durant: as long as Benxi shows aggression, it is a bonus for our team.
Live broadcast, October 12-basketable Nets star Durant talked about Simmons in an interview yesterday after the training. Durant said: “We have to trust him, give him the ball and tell…
Back court double iron! CC shooting 13 3 Aiwei 12 4 3 points total 8 0
Live broadcast bar, October 12th news in the preseason game, the piston was reversed by Thunder in the second half and shot poorly in the back Suncha. On the 5th…
Lu: mini truck & Wall & Xiaomo will play mini truck tomorrow and want to play all preseason matches
Live Bar, October 9 -express coach Taren Lu was interviewed by the media today and talked about tomorrow’s pre-season match against the Timberwolves. Lu said little Morris had returned to…
2022超三联赛卫星赛休赛期,北控三人篮球的小伙子们正在全力“闭关修炼”,为即将开始的比赛做好充足准备。在此,小编为大家带来一份有关北控三人篮球队的全面报道,以便于大家更好地了解联赛规则以及球队相关信息,同时为紫禁勇士们加油助威! 建队历史 2022年,北京控股篮球俱乐部提交的准入材料通过中国篮协公示程序,标志着我们正式进军中国三人篮球职业联赛。自此,北控三人篮球队正式成立!他将与其他11支球队共同征战2022中国三人篮球超级联赛卫星赛! 今年是超三联赛正式推出的元年,作为北京的球队,北京控股篮球俱乐部第一时间响应中国篮协、北京市体育局以及北京市篮协的号召,完成三人篮球队伍的组建与注册工作。此次涉足三人篮球,是俱乐部在篮球领域迈出的重要一步,也是俱乐部实现全面发展的关键举措! 球队人员构成 北控三人篮球俱乐部成立后,俱乐部管理层迅速建立了全面化、系统化的专业运营机制,选拔优秀篮球人才,组建队内人员架构。通过层层选拔,一支具有丰富实战经验的“青年军”初具雏形! 教练组方面,由前国手、北控男篮青年队主教练陈可(右一)担任主教练,前NBL重庆华熙队主教练张涛(左二)担任助理教练。 运动员方面,由前北控男篮一线队后卫李佳恒(5号)、前锋李龙元(7号)、中锋石颜博(11号)、北控男篮青年队前锋孙嘉瑞(26号)、锋卫摇摆人王毅涛(16号)组成球员方阵。今年8月,我俱乐部还签约了前CBA南京同曦队后卫杨皓喆(99号),进一步壮大了球队后场实力! 紫禁勇士们的战绩 伴随着2022中国三人篮球超级联赛卫星赛的全面开赛,8月6日,北控三人篮球队全体成员以6战全胜的战绩结束了张家港赛区的比赛。8月20日,球队在重庆黔江赛区取得了以6战4胜的战绩。北控三人篮球队目前以总战绩10胜2负暂列超三联赛卫星赛积分榜第一!其中后卫杨皓喆位列卫星赛重庆黔江赛区得分榜榜首(场均8.5分)! 知识点:赛制与规则梳理 中国三人篮球超级联赛卫星赛的赛制与大家熟知的五人篮球赛制有着很大不同。除了场地以及人员这些基础的变更外,赛制与比赛规则方面也有着本质区别。小编来为大家简单梳理下: 首先,比赛规则方面: 1. 三人制比赛官方用球为【专用球】,五人制比赛官方用球为【7号球】。三人篮球专用球直径为22.6cm,比7号球直径小1cm左右。 2. 圆弧线(也就是我们常说的三分线)外命中算2分,圆弧线内命中算1分,罚球命中算1分。 3. 常规比赛时间为10分钟。在常规比赛时间结束之前,某队率先得到21分或以上则获胜。若常规时间结束,没有球队达到21分,则分高的球队获胜;若常规比赛时间结束时两队比分相等,则进行决胜期比赛。在决胜期中率先取得2分的球队获胜。 4. 队员不会因为个人普通犯规的次数被判出局。球队累计犯规达到6次后处于全队犯规处罚状态。全队累计犯规10次后,判给对方2次罚球+球权。 赛制方面: 1. 常规赛采用巡回制,在各赛区举办。每支参赛队在每轮常规赛将进行两个单元的比赛,每个单元连续进行三场比赛。每胜一场积2分,负一场积1分,弃权积0分。 2. 每场比赛采用两队之间连续进行三场比赛的方式。第二场比赛开始前,各队即将上场的4名参赛球员须进行四轮1v1比赛,该比赛的得分将计入第二场比赛。第三场比赛开始前,各队即将上场的4名球员须进行2分球远投比赛。远投比赛的得分计入第三场比赛。 3. 2022赛季超三联赛卫星赛与2022赛季中国男子三人篮球超级联赛(简称“超三联赛”)实行升降级制度。卫星赛成绩排名前六名的参赛队,将与超三联赛竞赛成绩排名第十五、十六位的参赛队、共计8支球队进行一轮附加赛。 北控三人篮球自有媒体矩阵
Fame: Pacers will execute team options for the third year of Duarte’s rookie contract
Live broadcast bar, October 11 news according to the famous Woj report, league sources revealed that as expected, Pacers will implement the team options for the third year (2023-24 season)…